We commemorate with respect and gratitude Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık, prominent Ottoman historian and founder of the Department of History at Bilkent University, on the eight anniversary of his passing (25 July).

Vefatının sekizinci yılında (25 Temmuz) Bilkent Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü'nün kurucusu ve değerli Osmanlı tarihçimiz sayın Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık'ı saygı ve minnetle anıyoruz.


A Silent Government: Mediterranean Conditions of Imperial and Ecclesiological Authority in the Sixteenth Century between Curial Rome, Ottoman Empire, and Spanish Monarchy

Dr. Filip Malesevic, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Date: 04 June 2024, Tuesday
Venue: A-130 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

Event Details

British Concepts of Race and Nation in Plans to Partition Ireland and Palestine, 1911-1938

Dr. Michael Christopher Rast, University of St. Thomas

Date: 20 May 2024, Monday
Venue: A-130 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

Event Details
Bilkent History Graduate Symposium 2024
May 9-10, 2024

We would like to thank all our attendees for their participation. We hope you enjoyed your time here with us. We are looking forward to see everyone in next year's symposium.

For more information and more pictures please visit the following link:
Graduate Symposium Page

The Department of History is now accepting applications for
Masters and Ph.D. Programs

Application Deadline:
15 May 2023

Click for
Admission and Application

Bilkent History Graduate Symposium 2024

The Department of History at Bilkent University invites everyone to the 2024 Bilkent History Graduate Symposium which will take place on Thursday and Friday, 9th and 10th May, 2024. 

GE 250/251: 20 Points (Per day)

For more information, abstracts and a higher resolution of the program please visit the following link:
Graduate Symposium Page


“ ‘Are We Not Human Beings!?’ ‘Are We not Ottomans!?’: Popular Consciousness on Human Rights in the late Ottoman Empire.”


Dr. İbrahim Halil Kalkan

Date: 08 May 2024, Wednesday
Venue: AZ-31 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

Event Details

Hukuk, Faillik, Sıçanotu: Geç Osmanlı Taşrasında Hane İçi Çatışmalar ve Kocalarını Zehirleyen Kadınlar

Doç. Dr. Ebru Aykut

Date: 24.04 2024, Wednesday
Venue: AZ-31 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

*The event will be in Turkish.

Event Details

Land, Labor, and Class Making in the Seventeenth Century Thessaloniki

Mehmet Ali Çelik, University of California

Date: 18.04 2024, Thursday
Venue: AZ-31 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

Event Details

Dance, sin and sickness in late antique and early medieval Christianity

Dr. Donatella Tronca, University of Bologna

Date: 27.03.2024
Time: 16:30
Venue: AZ-31 (Seminar Room)

Event Details

The Politics of Ethics from Kınalızade to Birgivi:
The beginnings of majoritarian identity politics in the early modern Ottoman Empire

Prof. Baki Tezcan, UC Davis

Date: 26.03 2024, Tuesday
Venue: A-130 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

Event Details
Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences Open House

Saturday, March 30, 2024

At the open house you will have the opportunity to:
Learn about the admission process and financial support opportunities.
Meet with our faculty and current graduate students in the department of your interest.

Register before March 29, 23.59

Click for

Information and registration

Imperial Relatives and Neighbourhood Ties in Early Palaiologan Constantinople

James Cogbill

Date: 14 March 2024, Thursday
Venue: AZ-31 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

Event Details

Mediating between East and West: Ottoman Migrants in Medici Tuscany


Asst. Prof. Özden Mercan, Hacettepe University

Date: 29.02 2024, Thursday
Venue: AZ-31 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

Event Details
Call For Papers: Bilkent History Graduate Symposium 2024

Deadline: 15 MARCH 2024

The Department of History at Bilkent University invites graduate students to the 2024 Bilkent History Graduate Symposium which will take place on Thursday and Friday, 9th and 10th May, 2024. We welcome proposals from all fields of history for the Symposium.

For more information and to apply please visit the following link:
Graduate Symposium Page
Four Seasons Seminar Series
Series Opening Lecture:

"Romans in the East, Roman Religion and Unbecoming Roman"


Prof. Dr. Leonora Neville (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Date: 15.12.2023
Time: 15.20 (GMT +3)
Venue: H-232

Zoom Meeting Link

Historians at the Movies: Mediterraneo Movie Screening

Guest: Dr. Luca Zavagno

Date: 12.12.2023
Time: 17:30-19:30
Venue: FFB22

The Use of Friday Sermons (Khutbahs) As Ideological State Tools in the Early Turkish Republic


Asst. Prof. Akile Zorlu, METU

Date: 07 December 2023, Thursday
Venue: AZ-31 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

Event Details

Historians at the Movies: Seven Days in May Movie Screening

Guest: Dr. Kenneth Weisbrode

Date: 22.11.2023
Time: 16:30-19:00
Venue: FFB222

"Framing Late Antiquity in the Iberian Peninsula"


Jorge Lopez Quiroga, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Date: 21.11. 2023, Tuesday
Time: 17:30
Venue: AZ-31

Historians at the Movies: Kingdom of Heaven Movie Screening

Guest: Prof. Paul Latimer

Date: 08.11.2023 
Time: 16:30-19:00
Venue: FFB222

Digital Humanities: Academic Workflow, Zotero and Obsidian Demo

Join us for an enlightening discussion that will unveil the impact of this dynamic field on academia and inspire fresh perspectives on the future of scholarship.

Date: 25.10.2023 
Time: 12:30
Venue: AZ-31

Ottoman Justice and Political Economies of Empires: European merchants in Ottoman courts (16th/17th centuries)


Dr. Tommaso Stefini, PhD, Yale University

Date: 19 October 2023, Thursday
Time: 16:30
Venue: A-130 Seminar Room

Event Details
Faculty Position in Modern European History (Post-1500)

The Department of History at Bilkent University invites applications for a tenure-track position of open rank in the European History of Modern Period (post-1500).

Application Deadline: December 30, 2023. 

Application Link

For more information about the position, job benefits and application please refer to;
Job Opportunities Page

“Religion and Science”: The late Ottoman case in a global debate


M. Alper Yalçınkaya

Date: 12 October 2023, Thursday
Venue: AZ-31 Seminar Room
Time: 16:30

Event Details

Join us for our introductory meeting in to learn more about Bilkent Historical Society and our plans for 2023-2024.

Bilkent Tarih Topluluğu ve 2023-2024 planlarımız hakkında bilgi almak isteyen herkesi tanışma toplantımıza bekliyoruz.

Date/Tarih: 29.09.2023 Friday/Cuma 
Time/Zaman: 17:30
Venue/Yer: BZ-01

On the seventh anniversary of his passing (25 July), we commemorate with respect and gratitude Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık, prominent Ottoman historian and founder of the Department of History at Bilkent University 

Vefatının yedinci yılında (25 Temmuz) Bilkent Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü'nün kurucusu ve değerli Osmanlı tarihçimiz sayın Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık'ı saygı ve minnetle anıyoruz

4-5 May 2022

Twenty eight graduate students from various universities of Turkey, Europe and United States will present their work in eight panel sessions at this two-day event which will be held at C-Block Amphi from 10:30 till 17:30 each day.

Keynote Speaker: Christoph K. Neumann - The Director of the Orient-Institut Istanbul

Symposium Program

Çiğdem Barçan Tansel 
Kalbiye Tansel Thesis Awards

Kalbiye Tansel and Çiğdem Barçan Tansel Thesis Awards are presented to the best MA and PhD thesis written in graduate programs under ESBE each year

Our M.A. Student Ayşenur Çenesiz is awarded the best MA thesis written in history

We would like to congratulate our student for receiving the award!
9-10 May 2022

Twenty six graduate students from Bilkent University, Bogazici University, Middle East Technical Umiversity and Koç University will present their work in eight panel sessions at this two-day event which will be held at C-Block Amphi from 09:30 till 17:00 each day.

Symposium Program
Twitter Account

Assist. Prof. Dr. Luca Zavagno of the Department of History published his third monograph. 

"The Byzantine City from Heraclius to the Fourth Crusade, 610-1204" 

The book was published by Palgrave McMillan, 2021 in the New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture Series.

Detailed Information

The Dumbarton Oaks Library Research Collection/ Harvard Center for Byzantine Studies has selected the Department of History as one of the few institutional recipients of their Byzantine Seminar Series on Numismatic and Sigillography. Prof. Jonathan Shea has delivered a seminar on "Byzantine Seals and their use" to Bilkent Ug and Grad students enrolled in Dr. Luca Zavagno's Byzantine History course.
A further seminar on Byzantine Coins will be held (virtually) in the Fall 2021/22 Semester.
Bedirhan Laçin, our Ph.D. candidate, has been awarded a TUBITAK
research grant for nine months as a visiting fellow at the University
of California, Davis in the United States of America.

Göksel Baş, our Ph.D. candidate, has been awarded a TUBITAK research
grant for six months as a visiting fellow at the University of Vienna,

Turaç Hakalmaz, our Ph.D. candidate, has been awarded a TUBITAK research grant for one year as a visiting fellow in the United Kingdom.
He will also be delivering a speech at the IMC International Medieval Congress 2021 
(Turaç Hakalmaz has been awarded a grant by "Templar Heritage Trust Fund" which has been awarded only to six applicants) 
Date of the Congress: 5-9 July 2021
IMC Website

Upcoming Events

  • Start of 2024-2025 Fall Semester September 16, 2024

For Information

  • Admission and Application

    An undergraduate degree in history is NOT a prerequisite for entering the M.A. program. Graduates of departments of social sciences, humanities, management, engineering, and science may apply. All students entering…

  • Contact

    Yeliz Çevik yeliz.cevik@bilkent.edu.tr +90 312 290 2206 Office: MA-126 Paul Latimer paul@bilkent.edu.tr +90 312 290 2076 Office: MA-103 Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Bilkent University, …

Some Published Books