Latest Achievement News

2007-2023 Achievement Pages are currently under construction. Please contact the faculty if you need an information related to the past achievements that happened during the time period.

We congratulate our MA student Koray Saçkan on his Ohio State University Ph.D. in Comparative Studies (with a Fulbright grant) program acceptance.

We congratulate our MA student Özlem Elif İşler on her The Pennsylvania State University, America, History department PhD program acceptance.

We congratulate our MA student Furkan Taşpınar on his Binghamton University SUNY, Department of History, USA PhD program acceptance.

Çiğdem Barçan Tansel and Kalbiye Tansel Thesis Awards

Kalbiye Tansel and Çiğdem Barçan Tansel Thesis Awards are presented to the best MA and PhD thesis written in graduate programs under ESBE each year.

Our M.A. Student Ayşenur Çenesiz is awarded the best MA thesis written in history

We would like to congratulate our student for receiving the award!


History of Turkey (HIST 200) article written by a group of undergraduate students has been published by Ankara Barosu Dergisi. We congratulate the students.

Bedirhan Laçin, our Ph.D. candidate, has been awarded a TUBITAK research grant for nine months as a visiting fellow at the University of California, Davis in the United States of America.

Göksel Baş, our Ph.D. candidate, has been awarded a TUBITAK research grant for six months as a visiting fellow at the University of Vienna, Austria.

Turaç Hakalmaz, our Ph.D. candidate, has been awarded a TUBITAK research grant for one year as a visiting fellow in the United Kingdom.
He will also be delivering a speech at the IMC International Medieval Congress 2021 
(Turaç Hakalmaz has been awarded a grant by “Templar Heritage Trust Fund” which has been awarded only to six applicants) 
Date of the Congress: 5-9 July 2021
IMC Website

Some Published Books