Upcoming Events

  • Start of 2024-2025 Fall Semester September 16, 2024

Faculty Announcements

This page only includes last years’ Faculty Announcements. 2007-2023 Event Pages can be found here.

Öğretim/Araştırma Görevlisi Sonuç İlanları:

Öğretim Görevlisi Pozisyonu Sınav Sonuç İlanı (03.08.2023)

Öğretim Görevlisi Pozisyonu Ön Değerlendirme Sonuç İlanı (25.07.2023)

Araştırma Görevlisi Pozisyonu Sınav Sonuç İlanı (06.01.2022)

Other Announcements:

Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences Open House
Saturday, April 8, 2023

At the open house you will have the opportunity to:
Learn about the admission process and financial support opportunities.
Meet with our faculty and current graduate students in the department of your interest.

Register before April 7, 23.59


Assist. Prof. Dr. Luca Zavagno of the Department of History published his third monograph.
“The Byzantine City from Heraclius to the Fourth Crusade, 610-1204” 

The book was published by Palgrave McMillan, 2021 in the New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture Series.

Detailed Information

The Dumbarton Oaks Library Research Collection/ Harvard Center for Byzantine Studies has selected the Department of History as one of the few institutional recipients of their Byzantine Seminar Series on Numismatic and Sigillography. Prof. Jonathan Shea has delivered a seminar on “Byzantine Seals and their use” to Bilkent Ug and Grad students enrolled in Dr. Luca Zavagno’s Byzantine History course.
A further seminar on Byzantine Coins will be held (virtually) in the Fall 2021/22 Semester.

Dr. Luca Zavagno and three Bilkent History Grad Students (Fermude Gulsevinç, Yunus Dogan and Aysenur Mulla) will be delivering a paper at the 52 International Congress of Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo as members of the FLAME-Princeton University project

Date: 10-15 May 2021

the Flame Project