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Libraries and Archives in Ankara


Three of the richest libraries in Turkey are in Ankara – the National Library (Milli Kütüphane ), the Library of the Turkish Historical Society (Türk Tarih Kurumu) and Bilkent University Library (the biggest university library in Turkey). Combined, they constitute an excellent basis for research into Ottoman history.

Milli Kütüphane (The National Library)

A large up-to-date facility, situated in the very heart of Ankara, in one of the most modern and fashionable quarters of the city. Situated on one of the main boulevards, it is very close to a Metro station and is easy to reach from all parts of the city. Bilkent University service buses also stop at the National Library on their way to the city centre. Its catalogue is now available online.

Webpage:       www.mkutup.gov.tr

Address:         Milli Kütüphane Başkanlığı Bahçelievler Son Durak 06490 Ankara

Tel:                    +90 312 212 62 00  Fax:  +90 312 223 04 51.


Türk Tarih Kurumu Kütüphanesi (The Turkish Historical Society Library)

The Turkish Historical Society (TTK) has a very good library. The staff there is really friendly and helpful to researchers, which makes working there a real pleasure. There is a good system for photocopying anything (even most old editions). The bookstore of the TTK is in the same building and has a permanent discount for students and university instructors. Situated in the very heart of Ankara, it can be reached easily from all corners of the city. Bilkent service buses stop very close to the TTK building.

Webpage:       www.ttk.gov.tr

Address:         Kızılay Sokağı No. 1 06100 Sıhhiye, Ankara

Tel:                    +90 312 310 2368 (11 Lines) Fax: +90 312 3101698


Bilkent University Library

Bilkent University Library is the richest university library in Turkey. It offers excellent conditions for research work.

¨ Halil İnalcık’s Collection

Bilkent University Library houses the personal book collection of Professor Halil İnalcık, which  is available for in-library use. 

Webpages:     Online Catalogue: http://library.bilkent.edu.tr

                            Working Hours: http://library.bilkent.edu.tr/hours

                            Bilkent University Campus Map: http://w3.bilkent.edu.tr/bilkent/campus-plan/                                                        

Address:         Bilkent University Library 06800 Bilkent Ankara / TURKEY

Tel:                    +90 (312) 2664472  Fax: +90 (312) 2664391


Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu – YÖK (The Council of Higher Education of Turkey)

The Council of Higher Education of Turkey is a place where all MA and PhD theses defended in past years in Turkey can be found. To browse the thesis database click . Theses can be used in the research room in YÖK, photocopies can be taken there, and can even be ordered via mail. For English version click . YÖK borders Bilkent’s campus, so it does not take more than five minutes to get there.

Webpage:       www. yok.gov.tr

Address:         Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı 06539 Bilkent-Ankara

Tel:                    +90(312)298-7000 Fax: +90(312)266-4759


TBMM Kütüphanesi (Library of the Parliament)

Situated in the very center of Ankara  the Library of Turkish Parliament is known for its large collection of newspapers and periodicals.

Webpage:       https://www.tbmm.gov.tr/kutuphane/index.htm



Cumhuriyet Arşivi (The Republic Archive)

The State Archive in Ankara houses documents from the Republican period and seems to have insignificant importance for Ottoman studies. However, it is little known that the major part of the catalogue of Başbakanlık Arşivi in Istanbul is also available in the archive in Ankara. For Ankara based researchers this fact is of great importance since it allows the time consuming (and if in Istanbul more costly) catalogue search to be done in Ankara and reserve the time in Istanbul archive for reading and photocopying of the needed sources. Important for researchers working with Tapu Tahrir Registers is the fact that the whole of Istanbul TT Colection is digitized and also available in Cumhuriyet Arşivi through the newly established computer system in the archive. Collections of other defters such as mühimmes and maliyeden müdevver defters are also digitalized and can be viewed in this archive. The Archive is situated very close to a Metro station, which makes 15 min. of travel from the center of Ankara. The staff there is really friendly and helpful to researchers.

Webpage:       https://www.devletarsivleri.gov.tr

Address:         Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü İvedik Caddesi, No: 59, 06180 Yenimahalle-ANKARA
Tel:                    +90312 344 59 09 (11 lines) Fax: (0312) 315 10 00

Research Hours:  Week days and Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00

Vakıflar Arşivi

The Archive of the Pious Foundations (Vakıflar Arşivi) hosts valuable documents, which could be used on their own, or represent a natural and required supplement to the archival documents available in the other archives in Istanbul and Ankara.

Webpage:       https://www.vgm.gov.tr/vakıf-işlemleri/vakıf-kayıtları-arşivi/vakfiye-arşivi

Address:         Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Merkez Kütüphanesi Ankara Vakıflar Bölge Müdürlüğü Atatürk Bulvarı No:44 Ulus                             ANKARA

Tel:                    +90312 324 48 16-17

Tapu ve Kadastro Arşivi

Tapu ve Kastro Archive is a place that must be consulted by all researchers working with late tahrir defters. Because of administrative reasons in the past, most of the late or the last tahrirs produced by the Ottoman chancellery have been collected in this archive and  majority of them have been used by the administration until the 19th c. The Başbakanlık Arşivi in Istanbul is trying to acquire these early documents, but it seems years will pass before it actually happens. Apart of the tarir registers this rich, but neglected by the researchers archive, has more than 2000 other registers, vakfiyes and all sorts of different documents. The archive has been recently moved to a remote neighborhood (Oran), but it is easily accessible by minibus from the center. The only available catalogue (with an exception of a paper published by Y. Kurt) is in the archive so one must go to the spot. A special research permission is required, foreign scholars must apply in the Turkish embassy in their own country. No photocopies are allowed, though in some cases compromise could be reached.

Webpage:       http://www.tkgm.gov.tr/ana.php?Sayfa=birimdetay&Id=12

Türk Tarih Kurumu Arşivi (The Turkish Historical Society Archive)

The archive of the Turkish Historical Society has some important documents and manuscripts. Most of the materials are now digitized and easily accessible.

Webpage:       http://kutuphane.ttk.gov.tr

Askeri Tarih ve Stratejik Etüt Başkanlığı Arşivi (ATASE)

The Askeri Tarih ve Stratejik Etüt Başkanlığı Arşivi (ATASE) houses primary sources for research into the military history of the 19th and 20th centuries. The collections, composed of documents dealing with combat, operations, intelligence and logistical support, encompass all military operations that the Ottoman Empire engaged in after the Crimean War (1853-1856) and those in which the Turkish Armed Forces took part during the Republican era. With regard to the approximately 10 million documents in these rich collections, researchers are required to use the copies that are installed on CDs at the archive. Another important point for the researcher to bear in mind is that access permission to ATASE entails a security investigation which takes one to two months. For this, researchers should submit the following documents during the application process:

              an application form making clear the subject and aim of the study

              6 copies of the applicant’s identity card

              an academic reference taken from the institution to which the researcher belongs

              6 personnel information cards

              2 passport-size photographs.


Türk Kızılayı Arşivi

Turkish Red Crescent Archive covers the last epoch of the Ottoman Empire and the period from the foundation to the present-day Republic of Turkey. Such documents as about charitable donations, foundation of hospitals, exchange of captives within the period from the Ottoman-Russian War of 1877-78 to the Turkish War of Independence are among the major materials of the archive. There are also other archival materials such as the missions during the natural disasters and the activities during the Cyprus War in the Republican Era.

Webpage:         http://kizilaytarih.org/arsiv.php

E-mail:             arsiv@kizilay.org.tr

Address:           Doğu Caddesi No: 6 Afet Operasyon Merkezi (AFOM) Etimesgut ANKARA

Tel:                    +90312 245 45 00-265