Achievements and Publications

Students Who Have Received Grant Money for Research or Study Abroad

Çağdaş Lara Çelebi for study and research in Athens.

Kutlu Akalın for research in Athens.

Bülent Arı from the Turkish Academy of Science (TUBA) for research in the Netherlands.

Piril Atabay, Aksel Çorlu, Mehmet Ergin, and Gülben Ulupinar for research in the United States (Chicago, Seattle, Baltimore/Washington, and Arizona).

Akça Ataç and Burak Demir for research in London.

Birsen BulmuşOlcay Olmuşçelik, Canay Şahin, and M. Mert Sunar for research in Oxford University (London).

Özlem Çaykent for research in Edinburgh.

Derya Gürses from the Turkish Academy of Science (TUBA) for research in London.

Neslihan Şenocak for research in London, and a Vatican scholarship to the Antonianum in Rome; also a postdoctoral fellowship at the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies in Toronto.

Leyla Şen a grant to conduct research in India.

Emrah Şahin a research fellowship to Harvard University, Cambridge, MA summer 2003

Former Students Admitted to PhD Programs Abroad

Columbia University (USA): Kadir Üstün (MA, 2002).

Georgetown University (USA):Birsen Bulmuş (MA, 1997), York Norman (MA, 1997)and Emrah Safa Gürkan (MA, 2006).

Harvard University (USA): Şükrü Ilıcak (MA, 1996), İklil Erefe (MA, 1997),  Ali Yaycıoğlu (MA, 1997) and Dimitris Loupis (MA, 2004).

McGill University (Canada): Emrah Şahin (MA, 2004).

Michigan State University (USA): Pırıl Atabay (MA, 1999).

Princeton University (USA): Berrak Burçak (MA, 1997), Kutlu Akalın (MA, 1999) and Milena B. Methodieva (MA, 2001).

Royal Holloway, University of London:  Georgios Liakopoulos (MA, 2002).

Stanford University (USA)Muhammet Sait Yavuz (MA, 2002).

SUNY-Binghamton (USA): M. Mert Sunar (MA, 1997), Aksel B. Çorlu (MA, 1999) and E. Atila Aytekin (MA, 2001).

University of Chicago (USA): Ertuğrul Ökten (MA, 1996), Betül Basaran (MA, 1997), M. Pinar Emiralioğlu (MA, 1997),  Nikolay Antov (MA, 2000) and Abdurrahman Atçıl (MA, 2003).

University of Toronto (Canada): Feryal Tansug (MA, 1997), Metin Bezikoğlu (MA, 2001), Krzysztof Damian Wawrzyniak (MA, 2003) and Birol Gündoğdu (MA, 2005).

Vienna University (Universität Wien, Austria): Kayhan Orbay (MA, 2001).

University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA): Kaan Durukan (MA, 1997) and Sefika Akile Zorlu (MA, 1997).

Former Students Currently Working in Education/Research

Derya Gürses (PhD, 2003),  Assistant Professor at Mersin Üniversitesi, Turkey, holder of TÜBA (Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi)‘s Outstanding Young Scientist Award (2006).

Özlem Çaykent (PhD, 2003), Assistant Professor at the Department of History, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazi Magosa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Neslihan Şenocak (PhD, 2002),  Assistant Professor at the Department of History, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazi Magosa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Bulent Arı (PhD, 2004), Çankaya Üniversitesi, Departments of Political Science and International Relations.

Şanlı Bahadır Koç (MA, 1997), ASAM (Avrasya Stratejik Arastirmalar Merkezi [Center for Eurasian Strategic Studies]).

Canay Şahin (PhD, 2003), Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Department of Economics.

Dritan Egro (PhD, 2003), University of New York, Tirana, Department of Arts, Humanities and Psychology.

Beata Nykiel (PhD, 2005), International Cultural Center, Krakow.

Leyla Şen (PhD, 2003),Sürdürülebilir Kırsal ve Kentsel Kalkınma Derneği (SÜRKAL) (Program Coordinator).

Mehmet Şakir Yılmaz (PhD, 2006) TİKA, Ankara

Cemile Akça Ataç (MA, 1998) Cyprus International University, Department of International Relations.

Mehmet Mert Sunar (MA, 1999) Kocaeli University, Department of History.

Erden Attila Aytekin (MA, 2001) Middle East Technical University, Department of Political Sciences.

M. Pınar Emiralioğlu (MA, 1997) Visiting Assistant Professor at  University of Pittsburgh, Department of History.

York Norman (MA, 1997) University of Wisconsin Whitewater, History Department.

Recent Students’ Publications

Bülent Arı, “İlk Osmanlı-Hollanda Münasebetleri”, Osmanlı, Ed. Güler Eren, (Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, 1999), vol.1, 493-501.

Bülent Arı, “Early Ottoman-Dutch Relations”, The Great Ottoman Turkish Civiliation, (Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yay., 2000).

Bülent Arı, “Türkiye’de Modern Tarihçiliğin Öncüsü: Fuad Köprülü”, (Selim Aslantaş ile birlikte), Doğu-Batı, sayı 12, (Ankara 2000): 192-205.

Bülent Arı, “Osmanlı Kapitülasyonlarının Tarihçesi ve Mahiyeti”, 701 Osmanlı Özel Sayısı, c II, Ankara: Y. Türkiye Yay., 2000: 242-251.

Bülent Arı, “Osmanlı Maliyesinin İflası ve 1854 İstikraz”, Doğu Batı, V:4:17 (2001-2): 43-53.

Bülent Arı, “Tarih Öğretiminde Tek Kişilik Akademi”, (Selim Aslantaş ile birlikte), Türk Yurdu, sayı 175, (Ankara, 2002): 56-60.

Bülent Arı, ‘Early Ottoman Diplomacy’, in Ottoman Diplomacy: Conventional Or Unconventional?, Ed: A. Nuri Yurdusev, (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan’s Global Academic Publishing,  2004).

Abdurrahman Atçıl, “Osmanlı Dönemi Antep Mahkemesinde Hukuk Cinsiyet” Kebikeç, 5, 17 (2004): 73-81

Fatih Bayram, “Garip Bir Sultan ve Garip Bir Memleket: Bâbürnâmedeki Hindistan”, Divanİlmi Araştırmalar; 2004- II, vol. 9,no. 17, 169-191.

Fatih Bayram, “Virginia H. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman in War and Peace: Ahmed Resmî Efendi (1700-1783)”, Toplum ve Bilim,83(Winter 1999/2000): 378-381.(Book Review)

Fatih Bayram, Eleazer Birnbaum, “Osmanlı ve Azerî Unsurlarını İçeren Batı Türk Edebiyatı: Fuzulî, Bâkî, Yunus Emre”, in Osmanlı Divan Şiiri Üzerine Metinler, ed. Mehmet Kalpaklı (İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 1999), 220-223.(Translation)

Grigor Boykov, “Who Established the Town of Tatar Pazarcık in Middle Upper Thrace?”, Uluslararası Osmanlı ve Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk-Bulgar İlişkileri Sempozyumu, 11-13 Mayıs 2005 (Eskişehir: Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 2005), 261-269.

Grigor Boykov, “Ethnic and Religious Features of the Ottoman City of Filibe (the End of 15th and the Beginning of 16th c.)”(in Bulgarian), Balkan Identities, E. Radushev and Ts. Georgieva (eds.), (Sofia: Open Society Foundation, 2003), 130-151.

Grigor Boykov and Mariya Kiprovska, “The Ottoman Philippopolis (Filibe) during the Second Half of the 15th c.”, Bulgarian Historical Review, 3-4 (2000): 112-138.

Vjeran Kursar, “Antimuslimanski karakter protuturskih govora” (‘Anti-Muslim Character of Anti-Turkish Speeches’), Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest (Works of the Institute of Croatian History), Zagreb, Vols. 34-35-36 (2004): 29-46.

Vjeran Kursar, “Srednjovjekovne percepcije islama” (‘The Medieval Perceptions of Islam’), Povijesni prilozi (Historical Contributions), Zagreb, Vol. 22, No. 24 (2003): 133-148.

Dimitris LoupisPiri Reis (1465-1553) and Aegean Charting. Ottoman Cartography and the Aegean Lake (Athens: Trokhalia Editions, 1999), 499 pp., 79 maps. In Greek with English summary.

Dimitris LoupisEvliya Çelebi. Travel in Greece (1668-1671). Peloponnesus, Ionian Islands, Crete, Aegean Islands, introduction, translation from the Turkish, notes by D. Loupis (Athens: Hekati, 1994; 21999; third revised edition 2005), 366 pp., 32 plates. In Greek.

Dimitris LoupisEastern Mediterranean Cartographies, edited by George Tolias and Dimitris Loupis, Tetradia Ergasias 25/26 (Athens: Institute for Neohellenic Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2004), 402 pp., 131 figures, 3 plates.

Dimitris Loupis, “An Unpublished Anonymous Ottoman Portolan Text that ignores Pīrī Re’īs.” In CIÉPO XIV. Sempozyumu bildirileri, 18-22 Eylül 2000, Çeşme, yay. Tuncer Baykara (Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2004), 453-463.

Dimitrios Loupis, “Piri Reis’in Yok Sayan Bir Osmanlı Portolan Metni” Kebikeç, 16 (2003):461-470.

Dimitris Loupis, “Piri Reis’s Book on Navigation as a Geography Handbook: Ottoman Efforts to Produce an Atlas during the Reign of Sultan Mehmed IV (1648-1687).” The Portolan. Journal of the Washington Map Society (Washington, DC) 52 (2001-2): 11-17.

Dimitris Loupis, “Ottoman Nautical Charting and Miniature Painting: Technology and Aesthetics.” In M. Uğur Derman 65th Birthday Festschrift/65 Yaş Armağanı, edited by İrvin Cemil  Schick (İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi, 2000), 369-397.

Dimitris Loupis, “Ottoman Adaptations of Early Italian Isolarii.” Journal of the International Map Collectors’ Society (London), 80 (2000): 15-23.

Dimitris Loupis (as member of the editorial board), Türkçe-Yunanca Sözlük, edited by Faruk Tuncay and Leonidas Karatzas (Athens: Center for Eastern Languages and Cultures, 2000).

Leyla Şen  “Poverty Displaced Households, and Survival  Strategies in Republican Turkey”   “New Perspectives in Turkey”, Forthcoming 2005.

Zharmukhamed Zardykhan, “Ottoman Kurds of the First World War Era: Reflections in Russian Sources,” Middle Eastern Studies Vol. 42, Issue 1 (January 2006): 67-85.

Zharmukhamed Zardykhan, “Post-Soviet Integration in the Light of Kazakhstani-Russian Relations,” Asia Insights (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS)), No. 2 (June 2004): 17-18, 24.

Zharmukhamed Zardykhan, “Russians in Kazakhstan and Demographic Changes: Imperial Legacy and the Kazakh Way of Nation-Building,” Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 5, Issue 1 (February 2004): 61-79.

Zharmukhamed Zardykhan, “Kazakhstan and Central Asia: Regional Perspectives,” Central Asian SurveyVol. 21, Issue 2 (June 2002): 167-183.

Some Published Books